UN MODO MIGLIORE per fare pubblicita su Facebook nel 2022 (SEGRETO)

da | Ott 21, 2022 | Commercializzazione | 34 commenti


Ottieni l’accesso GRATUITO a “The One-Page Marketing Cheatsheet” qui: Ci sono 3 cose che devi sapere se vuoi creare annunci Facebook efficaci, ad alta conversione e redditizi. Per prima cosa, devi inchiodare MARKET MESSAGE MATCH. Sbagli, e non importa quanto siano intelligenti, divertenti o creativi i tuoi annunci di Facebook. Non funzioneranno. Il prossimo e qualcosa chiamato la regola 40/40/20. Ogni grande operatore di marketing a risposta diretta e leggenda della pubblicita vive e muore secondo questa regola. Ma non preoccuparti se non ne hai mai sentito parlare prima, la maggior parte non l’ha fatto, quindi ti mostrero esattamente cosa significa e come usarlo nei tuoi annunci. Devi usare quello chiamato E Infine. Non solo con i tuoi annunci di Facebook, ma con qualsiasi marketing e pubblicita che crei da questo giorno in poi. Assicurati di iscriverti a Metricool qui: …e quando usi il codice ADAM puoi provare qualsiasi piano a pagamento per 30 giorni, gratuitamente. Quindi, lascia che ti mostri come e fatto. #marketing #digitalmarketing #marketingstrategy ***PS – Quando sei pronto, ecco i 2 modi migliori in cui posso aiutarti… 1) Il cheatsheet di marketing di una pagina: 2) Unisciti alla “Digital Marketing Academy”: *** Connettiamoci: Sito web: Instagram: TikTok: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter:

34 Commenti
  1. Kord Taylor

    This is a great video. Thank you. Great to discover your channel and fun that you have all the music stuff in the background 🔥 Def seems like you are into some heavy guitar sounds.

  2. Alma Bach

    Excellent marketing strategies discussed by you. One question: How about using a tool for Facebook ads? I’m planning to buy AdPlify. I heard it has an ROI calculator to help in scaling the ads profitably and its page-watcher feature helps to track the competitors' ads which is amazing. This tool seems interesting to me as it is affordable too. What do you think about this tool?

  3. ivan riobla

    I hope you can help me or someone ! Facebook eliminated my profile account (made in 2009) for a strike on a 15 second video (not even a popular video) from tiktok that a third party had the rights, i was the administrator for 8 pages, i had a backup account that i had put as editor for all the pages, because of that i have access to those pages but im limited, i need to eliminate some editors and add some new editors, is there a way to recover my pages, or those pages stuck with only editors

  4. Keith M

    Sounds like great Marketing Theory to know before creating FB ads! Now I'll check the next video that you suggested. At some point I hope you take me through the steps of creating a FB ad (and how to create the follow-up ads based on custom audiences that you alluded to).

  5. उकाथ्य शर्मा

    क्या विशिष्ट सामाजिक नेटवर्क के लिए विशिष्ट लक्ष्यीकरण त्रुटियां हैं, या हर जगह लक्ष्यीकरण के साथ काम करते समय सशर्त शीर्ष 5 गलतियां हैं?

  6. Cory Hart

    This motivated me to write out each pain point of my target customer. Thanks!

  7. Xd xD

    Well to be honest all I could see is you are promoting that metric website thats it nothing useful

  8. WL Gila

    Hi Adam, i have question i wanna ask you about the fb ads
    I am already running an ads with a slot or casino niche

    one of my account get a lot of message
    but the rest of my account (20 account or more) did not have the same impact like that ads.

    what did i do wrong?
    the image that i use is still the same with just a bit change around the background
    the word that i use are the same with a bit of improvisation like my previous ads
    but everything goes in vain

    did you have a solution for this?

    and once again thank you for the lesson Adam
    PS : Sorry for the bad english

  9. Nekquanna Cross

    Thank you for educational tutorials. I would for you to mentor me.

  10. Chino Customs

    I'm a Filipino online seller of riding jersey and other printing products, I will try to apply the 40/40/20 for my next ad(maybe next week because my ad still running) and I will update you what will happen 😉

    Thanks for the info bro I hope I can earn multiple times because of this if that will happen I will give you a gift 😉

  11. 💥JGreen 💥

    Not on Facebook yet at all but thinking about going this direction appreciate the content .💯💪🏽

  12. Matt Dickens

    Wow. Watched. Rewatched. And Rewatched again. Thanks so much for all of the educational gems!!

  13. गजानन करव

    प्रासंगिक विज्ञापन के लिए न्यूनतम मासिक बजट क्या है?

  14. Ilya Dmytruk

    shitty and useless video. Too much talking and no real proof of the data provided, just blunk talking


    Great content but you talk too fast. Your audience is global and many English isn't main language. Please adjust

  16. Zahradeen

    Nice….can I get tips on running successful Facebook ad for a company involved in medical tools and equipment retail and distribution 🙏🏾

  17. DejaDrewit

    Before ios14 came out i was making 20k a month in sales from cold traffic ads. No retargeting. Retargeting never worked for me. ThAt update killed my business. Ive been scrambling for over a year trying to pivot my business without depending on one ad platform. 😒😞 although i tried many other platforms and ad platforms, fb was the only one that made me $

  18. Rikno Mississippi..Cusorspy through iG

    Thanks for the knowledge shared.
    Does an Instagram account have to be Instagram manager account or a normal or ordinary Instagram
    Mine was verified though (cusorspy) I followed his instagram

  19. Rikno Mississippi..Cusorspy through iG

    Thanks for the knowledge shared.
    Does an Instagram account have to be Instagram manager account or a normal or ordinary Instagram
    Mine was verified though (cusorspy) I followed his instagram

  20. Biz Star Power

    Thanks for the information marketing is a bear of its own.

  21. Dillion Derringer

    , my man understands content needs to be entertaining and understanding great production


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