Categories: Instagram

Risposta CONFUSIONE di Instagram al recente BACKLASH


Il contraccolpo di Instagram intensifica … Ottieni rapporti settimanali sulle tendenze dei rulli + modelli di contenuto: – Case study GRATUITO – Fai crescere 1.000 follower REALI al giorno (strategia funzionante 2022) – Unisciti alla sfida gratuita dei rulli: – Ottieni un audit IG completo dal mio team : 0:00 – Il contraccolpo di Instagram sta diventando REALE… 1:24 – I post regolari sono MORTI per BUONO?! 2:51 – Dichiarazione criptica di Mosseri 4:54 – Agli utenti piacciono di piu i video? O no Ricevi una recensione GRATUITA del profilo e le risposte alle tue domande da parte di Dominik (askDominik – in arrivo): VIDEO ESSENZIALI PER CRESCERE VELOCEMENTE: Ruba questa semplice strategia per aumentare i tuoi follower – Fai crescere 1.000 follower attivi e coinvolti VELOCEMENTE – BATTI l’algoritmo di Instagram – NUOVI hack per far esplodere le tue bobine – Sto assumendo. Unisciti al team heyDominik: Inoltre, poiche ultimamente la domanda e saltata fuori alcune volte, ecco alcune risorse che uso quotidianamente che hanno trasformato il mio marchio personale, la mia attivita e la mia vita: >> Miglior strumento hashtag: >> Miglior generatore di imbutiture di Instagram: >> Musica Uso: (30 GIORNI DI PROVA GRATUITA) >> Piu musica che uso (ARTLIST): >> Non riesco a far crescere un canale YouTube senza questo: SEGUIMI SU INSTAGRAM:



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  • I'm less video and more photo thats why I joined insta years ago, now its just video its terrible photos are record low

  • Yoo! Can you make an update on the Vero App? Is it still sketchy or has somethings changed?

  • Okay the elephant in the room that no one really focuses more on is the fact that it is extremely hard to grow organically on Instagram. If you have a account anywhere between 3,000 to 10,000 followers Instagram stifles the growth so tremendously no matter what you do. You could post outstanding content and engage it doesn't matter. Because this is all done to force you in a position to pay for ad space. Tick Tok does not have this issue. At lease as of yet. So since people could grow their Pages organically on tiktok naturally more and more users will gravitate to that. Yes there are different features on tiktok than Instagram but the major situation is that they could grow their Pages organically. Since Instagram make it so hard for users and then on top of that restrict you Shadow ban you and multiple idiotic things this makes the user experience an Instagram horrible. And that is ultimately what is affecting things way more than video and pics. They supposedly did this to prevent spamming but now you get all of these restrictions and the spamming is still as ridiculous as it has ever been. Ultimately the spam excuse was used to force you to pay money for ads.

  • If I login to two accounts in one phone. Will it freeze account?
    If we block someone on Instagram does it cause any bad impact on account?

  • I have an android and an iPhone. I use both for Instagram. If I upload content from both the phone. Will it cause a bad impact or freeze my account?

  • Let’s be honest IG was getting boring and DYING until reels came around 🤷🏾‍♂️ I guess they had to compete with a winning TikTok

  • Instagram will change into a video platform wit photos on the side. If it will not change it will doe like other platform inna few years. I think the video is more interesting and they now it.

  • Only thing saving Instagram is all the shady stuff coming out about TT. TT’s privacy policy is something no sane person should agree to and have the app on their phone. I mean unless your cool with a foreign government setting your phone up as a proxy server for reasons the app does not disclose 🤷🏻‍♂️

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