Categories: Commercializzazione

Questa strategia di promoting for every la fotografia di matrimonio mi ha fatto guadagnare $ 13.000 il mese scorso


Oggi condivido una strategia di advertising and marketing semplice e veloce che mi ha aiutato a prenotare $ 13.000 in matrimoni solo nel mese di maggio. Questa è una delle cose più semplici che potresti fare arrive fotografo di matrimoni per ottenere richieste e referenze coerenti e ottenere più prenotazioni. ► Iscriviti al Photograph Club Membership ► The Attempted & Genuine Preset Collection – Usa “TRIEDANDTRUE30” for each ricevere $ 30 di sconto ► 50% di sconto su HoneyBook al seguente website link: ► My Gear: • Sony A7iii – • Sony a6500 – • Sony 18-105 f /4 – • Zhiyun Crane 3 Lab – • Microfono Lav – • Microfono Rode – • Registratore di suoni Sony – • Mavic Professional – • Filtri ND per Drone – • Canon 24-70 ii f/2.8 – • Canon 70-200 ii f/ 2.8 – • Canon 100mm Macro f/2.8 – • Flash Yongnuo – • Supporti flash – • Modificatori flash MagMod – • Expo Disc – • Borsa Manfrotto – • Synology NAS – ►Scopri il resto della mia attrezzatura fotografica di matrimonio qui ►E il mio filmmaking package qui ►Connettiti con me sui social media ►Facebook: Instagram: #WeddingPhotography #Advertising and marketing #QuickTipTuesday

Josiah Blizzard

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  • Is there a sweet spot number to how many photogs should be there to avoid 20+ people commenting each time that they're free? In addition, how wide you cast the geographical net for adding people? Same city? 100 mile radius? Whole state?

  • Yep, we've been doing this for a while in Chicago. There are a hand full of groups that are dedicated to this for our area. It works. When we were looking into moving to SC I was surprised there weren't many if any groups like this in the that area.

  • This won't work in Nigeria, wedding photographers here would rather sub-contract the wedding to other photographers for a fraction of the original price than recommend them for the job, in fact big Photographers here even boost of running over 5 weddings in a day.

    I guess it's easier for photogs in west to book weddings but here it's a tug of war.

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