Categories: Instagram

Dovresti finalmente USCIRE da Instagram?


Con gli ultimi sviluppi su Instagram, dovresti davvero smettere per un’altra piattaforma? Ottieni rapporti settimanali sulle tendenze dei rulli: – Case Study GRATUITO – Fai crescere 1.000 VERI follower al giorno (strategia nuovissima) – Unisciti alla sfida gratuita dei rulli: ottieni una recensione GRATUITA del profilo e le risposte alle tue domande da parte di Dominik (askDominik – in arrivo): ESSENZIALE VIDEO PER CRESCERE VELOCEMENTE: Ruba questa semplice strategia per aumentare i tuoi follower – Fai crescere 1.000 follower attivi e coinvolti VELOCEMENTE – BATTI L’algoritmo di Instagram – NUOVI hack per far esplodere i tuoi rulli – Sto assumendo. Unisciti al team heyDominik: Inoltre, poiche ultimamente la domanda e saltata fuori alcune volte, ecco alcune risorse che uso quotidianamente che hanno trasformato il mio marchio personale, la mia attivita e la mia vita: >> Miglior strumento hashtag: >> Miglior generatore di imbutiture di Instagram: >> Musica Uso: (30 GIORNI DI PROVA GRATUITA) >> Piu musica che uso (ARTLIST): >> Non riesco a far crescere un canale YouTube senza questo: SEGUIMI SU INSTAGRAM: Inoltre, seguimi su Twitch per alcune cose dietro le quinte:


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  • Answering your question is the reason Instagram is pushing Reels. So I'm not going to quit Instagram but I will adapt my content for TikTok

  • Hey Dominik. So my IG is very old, lots of ghost followers, and I got so frustrated with the lack of reach that I stopped posting altogether for the past several weeks because I felt like I was wasting good content. In the meantime I purchased your company’s service to find and remove the ghost followers, and that’s been running for a week or so now. Here’s the interesting part: even though I haven’t been posting, I’ve been getting a lot more views and likes on my old reels than ever before. Has something in the algorithm recently changed to push more old content? Or does this have to do with me not posting, or maybe the removal of the ghost followers (even though not many have actually been removed yet)?

  • That intro was fun!
    Nice bring home at the end to Enjoy yourself :)
    Great vid. Must've taken some extra time, so letting you know it's appreciated and enjoyed.

  • All I know is I’m posting the same educational content on TikTok and I’m getting viral videos. On IG I’ll get 70 views if lucky.

  • Dang, you stepped it up quite a notch, editing wise. Content is amazing as ever! Keep it up.

  • Dominik, Bruder.....this has to be the 1st time I respectfully disagree. See, TikTok is winning this "war" by LARGE simply because they embody precisely what social media is supposed to be . It's not 'easier' to work on other platforms, it's the fact that those formats SUPPORT & REWARD you for the work you're doing. On TT it literally is true for everybody, no matter the quality of your content...follow a few simple rules and you'll see legit results.
    IMO agencies and consultants working mainly w/ IG need to stop b.s'in themselves and finally affirm TikTok's power for their clients! IG has 2 years max until it's a dump like fb

  • Ihave talk about Mr president King isreal if you important my Instagram stopped but I have talk about Mr president King isreal give me answer truly

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