Creatori di Instagram: fallo ORA (cambia algoritmo)

da | Ott 20, 2022 | Instagram | 23 commenti


Instagram ha parlato: gli account Instagram SMALL sono pronti per un grande cambiamento. Devi agire subito per ottenere una portata pazzesca! Candidati per il mio programma di tutoraggio per i creatori: (disponibilita limitata) – Caso di studio GRATUITO – 1.000 follower reali e attivi al giorno: (strategia AGGIORNATA) Ottieni rapporti settimanali sulle tendenze dei rulli: Il servizio di crescita IG manuale della mia agenzia: Cresci con il GRATIS ReelsChallenge: – Ottieni un audit IG completo dal mio team: ottieni una revisione del profilo GRATUITA e le risposte alle tue domande da parte di Dominik (askDominik – in arrivo): 0:00 – Aggiornamenti Instagram per piccoli creatori 1:00 – Importante: devi sapere Questo 2:16 – DEVI essere consapevole di questo 2:56 – Cambio di algoritmo!? 4:05 – QUESTO e cio che devi fare ora per crescere! VIDEO ESSENZIALI PER CRESCERE VELOCEMENTE: Ruba questa semplice strategia per aumentare i tuoi follower – Fai crescere 1.000 follower attivi e coinvolti VELOCEMENTE – BATTI L’algoritmo di Instagram – NUOVI hack per far esplodere i tuoi rulli – Sto assumendo. Unisciti al team heyDominik: Inoltre, poiche ultimamente la domanda e saltata fuori alcune volte, ecco alcune risorse che uso quotidianamente che hanno trasformato il mio marchio personale, la mia attivita e la mia vita: >> Miglior strumento hashtag: >> Miglior generatore di imbutiture di Instagram: >> Musica Uso: (30 GIORNI DI PROVA GRATUITA) >> Piu musica che uso (ARTLIST): >> Non riesco a far crescere un canale YouTube senza questo: SEGUIMI SU INSTAGRAM: Inoltre, seguimi su Twitch per alcune cose dietro le quinte: Ottieni qui Acting My Age di The Academic ID licenza: q7w6EmBQxbn Ottieni questo e altri brani per il tuo prossimo video di YouTube su

23 Commenti
  1. Trap Yqen

    🔴 Best option for more fans use ,, in'sta'crease .. 🙂 😀 Every moment is a fresh beginning (00:01)

  2. Ceren Yaldız

    🔴 Best option for more fans use ,, in'sta'crease ,, 😂 🙃 Be so good they can (00:04)

  3. Oyun Kralı

    🔴 Best option for more fans use ,, in'sta'crease ,, 😊 😀 Love For All, Hatred For None (00:45)

  4. Andri49

    Instagram creator..
    Im from indonesia sir👍

  5. Ultraman Dyna

    I couldn't believe it if the people liking more cringe contents

  6. Josh Woakes Does Reviews

    I have to say I have to keep advertising my photo. So it gets reach. I wish I did not have to. But that’s the only way right now.

  7. FreshETP

    so many people grow their ig page and show proof. after almost a decade, i still have no clue how to grow mine. even after implementing the tips, the page is just dead still

  8. Mario

    Got almost 10 million views on a video, still going strong, 300 followers in result. @guywitha6d

  9. KushKingg

    If I post a video from tik Tom on Instagram shorts and de the watermark from tik tok will it affect my views

  10. Janelle Rush

    I have a reel going viral right now. I only had 6+K followers and now that reel is over 3 million views and my followers are up to to almost 30K. I have an acting background and just started putting myself out there with lip syncs to help my music. I am posting 1-3 times a day to take advantage of while it's viral. It just keeps going! Not sure if I'm doing things right lol.

  11. Jades Goudreault

    I went viral with one of my songs so I keep posting videos with that song and it works. But THEN I got some people saying I was posting too much with the same song so I started posting my other songs and it doesn’t do a well… should I keep doing only the ones that get more views/engagement?

  12. Rose Dahlia

    How can i cancel the creator my reel is very slow now

  13. nurix

    that 'pushing small creators' thing is BS based on my experience. I have less than 100 followers, but I get like 10-30 reach before. People keep saying do reels, so I tested a few. For the first time, I got zero reach last week, it was heartbreaking.

  14. Daniel (DMK)

    It happened to me yesterday 😂 I got 30k views on just one reel

  15. Haidar Vs.

    I've bought a yt channel from my friend with 30k subs، the chanel was about daily video vlogs ،the problem is with each video I post on the chanel I lose alot of subscribers but every time I post another video I lose less subs than the video before and that's because the people that get notifications to see my videos are less every time, well I gained some subscribers on some videos but in anyway the lost subs are much more than the gained and I can understand this because the audience knew that this channel was sold to me and they didn't like me, I'm so confused about what should I do, should I not Post any videos on it? Cuz every Time less and less views ? should I make a New channel? Or is there any hope that this channel Will start growing back after what happened?

  16. Sober Catboy

    How come it's limited to the next few months? I have a lot on my plate, and gambling with instagram content just isn't the best use of my time. I can max out at around 1 post a week.

  17. Chelestina C

    Hey Dominick what do you think about these stats, I started posting July 3rd. Here are my insights:
    I’ve gained 212 followers, lost 79, overall 133 followers which shows +22% increase
    My account reach +9,414% 13.4K people, 724 accounts have engaged, +2,235%

    I know I can get alot more engagement if I post a little bit more frequently, but I’m suffering with this feeling of not wanting to spam people, so I’m sticking to posting every few days. I’m gonna try push some more reels out there.

    But what do you think, should it be higher than this??

  18. Deep Matharu

    Hi Dominik, if my Instagram reels are prepared in advance, is it feasible to launch multiple business accounts at the same time? My purpose is to cross market various products so that each respective account looks clean and organized within a similar niche. Appreciate any help!

  19. Vaun King

    I rather my own followings engagement to push me through the algorithm. Ppl forget to talk about that problem. Getting followers for no reason

  20. e V e

    My reach has disappeared tho i was getting more reach with every post and now I’m not even getting 1/4 the reach I had 😢


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