Risposta CONFUSIONE di Instagram al recente BACKLASH

da | Ott 13, 2022 | Instagram | 44 commenti


Il contraccolpo di Instagram intensifica … Ottieni rapporti settimanali sulle tendenze dei rulli + modelli di contenuto: – Case study GRATUITO – Fai crescere 1.000 follower REALI al giorno (strategia funzionante 2022) – Unisciti alla sfida gratuita dei rulli: – Ottieni un audit IG completo dal mio team : 0:00 – Il contraccolpo di Instagram sta diventando REALE… 1:24 – I post regolari sono MORTI per BUONO?! 2:51 – Dichiarazione criptica di Mosseri 4:54 – Agli utenti piacciono di piu i video? O no Ricevi una recensione GRATUITA del profilo e le risposte alle tue domande da parte di Dominik (askDominik – in arrivo): VIDEO ESSENZIALI PER CRESCERE VELOCEMENTE: Ruba questa semplice strategia per aumentare i tuoi follower – Fai crescere 1.000 follower attivi e coinvolti VELOCEMENTE – BATTI l’algoritmo di Instagram – NUOVI hack per far esplodere le tue bobine – Sto assumendo. Unisciti al team heyDominik: Inoltre, poiche ultimamente la domanda e saltata fuori alcune volte, ecco alcune risorse che uso quotidianamente che hanno trasformato il mio marchio personale, la mia attivita e la mia vita: >> Miglior strumento hashtag: >> Miglior generatore di imbutiture di Instagram: >> Musica Uso: (30 GIORNI DI PROVA GRATUITA) >> Piu musica che uso (ARTLIST): >> Non riesco a far crescere un canale YouTube senza questo: SEGUIMI SU INSTAGRAM:


44 Commenti
  1. Sophie Wood

    Instagram has no integrity ~ Instagram wants people to post for Instagram. They favors popular influencers big time over regular users. Also their end goal is for users to pay them. Meta ruined Instagram by turning it into Snapchat (stories) & TikTok (reels). It has become such a shallow marketing platform. I’m done wasting my time with this pathetic company.

  2. Mobile Freelancer

    I'm less video and more photo thats why I joined insta years ago, now its just video its terrible photos are record low

  3. YoutubeChannel

    My account got unrightfully disabled from Instagram about six months ago. I can’t believe how much the app has changed during this time. I am re-posting my content to a new account but getting absolutely no engagement. My entire feed is full of people and things I am not interested in seeing. It makes no sense. It’s just a much worse TikTok, which is mind blowing to say. I used to really enjoy IG, it felt like a social hub with real people. Now it feels so… lifeless. People are just pumping out nonstop filler content so I can’t even creatively explore anymore.

  4. Kareem Pinkston

    Instagram‘s argument about the rising popularity of video posts is rather a hypocritical argument. Instagram users wanna be seen and want to be popular to some degree. It has been stated that the Instagram algorithm encourages videos. So, people post videos in order to be seen. So yes, it will look like Viddyoze will be more popular than anything else and that’s because that’s what the algorithm was encouraging.

  5. Gregory Diamond 💎

    I’ve been making longer video posts (5-10 minutes ) for years but even posting on the feed or in stories it’s being shortened without access to the longer version?? Is this normal? Are only short form video available now on instagram… very frustrating!!

  6. Water Bottle

    The app is just becoming reels from TikTok and “funny” screenshots from random little girls Twitter accounts. The influencers have always been fake, but now 7/10 are catfish accounts reposting Pinterest photos under the guise of “fashion inspo” to get sent items off of their Amazon wishlist. It’s trying to be every single app that it’s not.

  7. Ken Drew REVIEWS...

    Why don't social media photographers pay money to hire someone to develop a copycat app of instagram, but keep it for photos only?

  8. Chiboy Eke

    Some adults with PHDs and Master Degrees dont even understand the simple term "If it ain't broke, dont fix it"

  9. Angel Garach

    I’m a beauty content creator and I CAN NOT GROW! I’ve switched to reels, and I’ve done everything I possibly can but I can’t grow no matter what I do.

  10. Jazlanderz

    If everyone is trying to make a video app , who is suppose to make a photo app ? Cmon insta my photos are getting too little likes these past few days , its depressing

  11. Sauce Lord

    Their algorithm ruined everything. I have over 7000 followers and my average post only reaches about 400 people. Its at a point where I’ll post something and get 2 likes in an hour…how is that even remotely possible?

  12. Kaj Te Briga

    People don’t like videos more – algorithm likes videos more. It is unmanageable for many to constantly create videos.

  13. Trailer Film Studios

    instagram is over! They just done an update where 90% of my feed was only Verified pages…so no normal pages are even getting a look in! Time to move over to YouTube full time lol RIP INSTA

  14. Siri siri

    It doesn’t matter if I send funny videos to my friends, when I’m on the timeline I want to see my friends posts aka their pictures… I don’t wanna see 90% memes, not even 50%

  15. HAKU

    Is anybody else not getting hashtags or other insights after the new update ???

  16. Jennifer Comstock

    I understand why Instagram is doing it. I just feel overwhelmed because it feels like I have another job now. And for a platform that's not evergreen. Not surprising that people just repost all their videos everywhere. No platform has unique content. The only differentiator becomes the site's algorithm and how they serve up the content

  17. Jimmy Stewart / Filmmaker

    Anyone else noticing a constant decline in followers on Instagram? It’s as if people are leaving and deleting their account… 😅

  18. Deunique Muse

    I quickly fell off tiktok because it was so open to any age group that you can easily come across as offensive when you’re trending and pop up on kids screen! … I got tired of ig because it was becoming sooo boring and repetitive of people trying to become influencers… nothing seem authentic and even when ppl was ! The spamming of trying to report an account and leaving hateful comments was crazy ! But I loved the fact that I didn’t have to always keep up with trends and just be myself ! And fit in with your group of followers!!! Now I feel like I just trying to figure out what would be an eye catcher to get enough engagements to grow my followings !! Like

  19. Anna J

    I remember seeing an article at the beginning of 2021 or something where they said, "oh well we did a survey and it shows that people are looking mainly for entertainment so that's why instagram is no longer a photo sharing app." I was like 🤨🤨🤨🤨That doesn't make any sense because the reach and engagement sucks so bad.💀and I'm pretty sure it's not just me

  20. ma7hias

    Anyone knows why I still don't have the auto-sub function on reels 🤷‍♂

  21. RiceCake3000

    Only thing saving Instagram is all the shady stuff coming out about TT. TT’s privacy policy is something no sane person should agree to and have the app on their phone. I mean unless your cool with a foreign government setting your phone up as a proxy server for reasons the app does not disclose 🤷🏻‍♂️

  22. Vasile Stan

    Instagram will change into a video platform wit photos on the side. If it will not change it will doe like other platform inna few years. I think the video is more interesting and they now it.

  23. Stevey TV

    Let’s be honest IG was getting boring and DYING until reels came around 🤷🏾‍♂️ I guess they had to compete with a winning TikTok

  24. Shelovster

    I have an android and an iPhone. I use both for Instagram. If I upload content from both the phone. Will it cause a bad impact or freeze my account?

  25. Shelovster

    If I login to two accounts in one phone. Will it freeze account?
    If we block someone on Instagram does it cause any bad impact on account?

  26. Jason Patrick

    Okay the elephant in the room that no one really focuses more on is the fact that it is extremely hard to grow organically on Instagram. If you have a account anywhere between 3,000 to 10,000 followers Instagram stifles the growth so tremendously no matter what you do. You could post outstanding content and engage it doesn't matter. Because this is all done to force you in a position to pay for ad space. Tick Tok does not have this issue. At lease as of yet. So since people could grow their Pages organically on tiktok naturally more and more users will gravitate to that. Yes there are different features on tiktok than Instagram but the major situation is that they could grow their Pages organically. Since Instagram make it so hard for users and then on top of that restrict you Shadow ban you and multiple idiotic things this makes the user experience an Instagram horrible. And that is ultimately what is affecting things way more than video and pics. They supposedly did this to prevent spamming but now you get all of these restrictions and the spamming is still as ridiculous as it has ever been. Ultimately the spam excuse was used to force you to pay money for ads.

  27. Oliver Sønnichsen

    Yoo! Can you make an update on the Vero App? Is it still sketchy or has somethings changed?

  28. Griffs

    People are people. Everyone is just winging everything even corporate, especially corporate. Lol

  29. Shadowcat107

    I still love posting on Insta. But why a lot of social media apps for posting pictures and videos are trying to start be the next Tik Tok? I already liked how Insta is. Don't try to change it to make it more like Tik Tok. I love both apps very much. 😍

  30. Stevem_stuff

    Instagram has clearly lost their minds. So no, I'm not who I am on here but I am a creator with 118K followers a 5+million reach. I am so unhappy with insta now now. Most recently they took the step to make ALL video posts reels. No longer can you just post a video. The problem is that reels have a specific limit to length of time. 90 Seconds for me. So if the video is longer than that then guess what….You cant post it. Period. Then with any content you try to post is goes through some sort of filter to see if it meets their guidelines of what THEY want you to post and if it doesn't meet those guidelines than guess what. You cant post it. Instagram is infuriating. They are also moving towards being a marketing or selling platform. I am bombarded every day to SELL SELL SELL with my reels. My followers don't like it when all they see from me is posts to sell them something. Then there's the feed that is a joke anymore. You never see any of the posts from the people you actually follow but rather what Instagram wants you to see. I think I'll take my content over to TikTok

  31. Phil Loko

    Why not just have photos and videos? And when I say videos, I don't mean reels. I mean videos that arent 15 seconds

  32. Daniel Fuller

    basically users are saying they want 1 thing, but the data recording their behavior shows that they want another thing, users behave like they want video over photos, and instagram is merely pivoting in that direction. it's simply based off the way the algorithm reads how people behave and so the future with video over photo is inevitable. if you want a platform that moves in a different direction than the one we are heading, there needs to be an algorithm based not on behavior but on something else instead

  33. Panic Pixie

    He did seem frustrated, almost as if he just wanted people to stop talkng about hating Reels. He kept saying people are posting and liking more Reels, but most people are only posting them because they know it’ll help grow their account.

  34. Rob  Takoda

    we need to understand that instagran just isnt listening, they are not interested in what we want, they are insterested in what they want, going backwards and accepting it work would be the best move for them. i only post reels now because that is what they are pushing.

  35. Horse6L

    If people really wanted a photo based social media platform then they would be using Flickr but they are not .

  36. RollinJoint

    but if someone spends 30 seconds watching a short catchy video and spends 5 seconds watching a photo, i would push my app to focus on vidoes as well..

  37. Rick Taylor

    He should consider going into politics. He already has the ability to talk in circles (I’m talking about Mosseri). They should go ahead and rename it InstaTok and quit with the bs explanations like this.

  38. Ozan

    If tiktok makes the app so that we can post photos, I'm deleting instagram!

  39. HX20 games

    Instagram got lots of problems from glitch to becoming tiktoc its just annoying


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